
A stepfamily forms when one or both adults in a new couple bring children from a previous relationship. Although stepfamilies look like first-time families on the outside, they are very different on the inside. The first step toward making a successful stepfamily is understanding the challenges and differences between stepfamilies and first-time families.

 Step Families Counseling NYC

New couples naturally wish for their new families to blend right away. Stepparents want their stepchildren to love and respect them. However, straining to make the impossible happen, creates frustration, anger and can cause damane to the couple’s bond. Stepcouples need significant time to begin to function as a unit. Some stepchildren will need even more time. Letting go of understandable, but unrealistic wishes frees you to meet the challenges.

My training and experience in stepfamily dynamics can help meet the unique particulars of stepfamily living. Individual or couple therapy can offer a safe place to share feelings and can help resolve differences. I can even sometimes help ex-spouses work together. Also, children caught in intense loyalty conflicts sometimes appreciate a neutral therapist. Stepfamily living occasionally exposes some very painful old wounds. A good therapist can help resolve some of these old hurts and make living in the present easier.

Signs You Need Stepfamily Support:

Blending families can present unique challenges and dynamics that may require additional support. You may benefit from stepfamily counseling if you notice:

  • Struggles with bonding and forming connections within the stepfamily
  • Frequent conflicts between stepparents and stepchildren
  • Challenges in establishing new family roles and boundaries
  • Difficulty in co-parenting with an ex-spouse
  • Loyalty conflicts among children and parents
  • Feelings of frustration or resentment due to unmet expectations
  • Communication breakdowns within the new family structure
  • Stress from balancing relationships with both biological and stepfamily members


Blending our families was more challenging than we anticipated, but Rachel’s expertise in stepfamily dynamics was invaluable. She guided us through resolving conflicts and improving relationships between stepparents and stepchildren. We now feel more connected and supportive as a family.

– Jessica (40) & Michael (42)

Rachel in the media