
Is it time to seek a therapist for counseling?

Is your life not quite where you would like it to be? Are you struggling with relationships, life stage, or career issues? Are you trying to solve these problems yourself, or perhaps with the help of family and friends, yet still feeling stuck or misunderstood?

Then maybe it’s time to seek counseling.

There are times in life when we feel like we may need some guidance or mentoring from a professional. There is tremendous value in talking through your ideas, problems, and feelings with a psychotherapist who has the experience, training and expertise to understand what you are going through, and help you create a plan to turn your life around.

Individual Therapy NYC

My practice and treatment philosophy:

Starting the process of individual counseling with a therapist can be both empowering and frightening. I am very aware of the feelings that may be brought to the first few sessions. For this reason, it is the client who sets the pace initially.

My approach is solution focused and proactive. Working as a team, we try to gain biographical insight and confront obstacles to change and develop skills, which will lead to confident decision making and lasting solutions. My work is characterized by intuition, compassion, optimism and collaboration. I try to be straightforward without being harsh, and encouraging without any pressure. I am approachable. I’d rather joke with people than judge them and, though I love to talk, I find listening as powerful.

I work with individuals undergoing various personal challenges such as dating and relationship dilemmas, infidelity, break ups or divorce, parenting, career issues, sexual concerns, quarter and mid-life crisis, addictions, family problems, step and blended families, depression, anxiety and stress management, and so much more.

My clients emerge from our counseling sessions feeling feel stronger,empowered, and self-aware. This ultimately enhances their ability to connect on a more intimate level in all interpersonal relationships.

I primarily use techniques adapted from psychodynamic theory, cognitive behavioral theory and interpersonal neurobiology. These disciplines combined together create a powerful lens through which we can understand our inner lives with more clarity and improve our relationships with others.

My Rolodex:

Often true change takes a team approach. I see myself as your therapist but also I’ve aligned myself with a wonderful network of professionals to help you accomplish your goals and raise the bar. My Rolodex is filled with individuals and businesses that can help guide you to where you want to go. Whether you need a career consultant, nutritionist, doctor, lawyer, accountant or support group, I have a great team lined up, and I can help you find what you need.

Signs You Need Personal Guidance:

Life’s challenges and personal growth opportunities can often signal the need for individual therapy. You may benefit from individual therapy if you notice:

  • Feeling stuck or unable to make progress in personal or professional areas
  • Struggling with relationships, whether romantic, familial, or friendships
  • Experiencing frequent feelings of sadness, anxiety, or overwhelm
  • Difficulty in making decisions or feeling confident in your choices
  • Facing life transitions or crises, such as career changes or mid-life challenges
  • Feeling misunderstood or unsupported by family and friends
  • Desiring personal development and self-exploration to achieve greater fulfillment


I felt stuck in my career and personal life, and Rachel’s individual therapy sessions were exactly what I needed. Her intuitive and collaborative style made me feel understood and empowered. With her help, I’ve gained new insights and developed the skills to navigate my life more effectively.

– Priya (29)

Rachel in the media