
What to Consider Before Breaking Up or Divorcing

The ending of a romantic relationship is an extraordinarily challenging event. Whether you’ve been dating for a year, or married for thirty, you may be overcome with feelings of sorrow, anger, fear, and guilt. You are mourning the loss of someone significant in your life and saying farewell to your dreams of an eternity together.

What to Consider Before You Decide to End a Relationship

You’ve talked it out and thought it over and you think it’s time to break it off or, if you’re married, file for divorce from your spouse. But even when the decision is made, it’s not a process you should jump into unprepared. Even if the ultimate decision is to dissolve the relationship, asking the right questions before breaking up or contacting a lawyer may prove worthwhile.

Breakup/Divorce Counseling NYC

I can help you formulate your next steps.

Individual counseling is a very effective tool to help you fully recover from your breakup or divorce. Together we can explore the following topics and questions, such as:

  • Have you made it clear to your partner your concerns about the problems in the relationship and that you are contemplating an ending?
  • Is there any hope in improving your relationship? Have you tried couples counseling?
  • Would you be happier in or out of the relationship/marriage?
  • What is stopping you from moving forward with a breakup or divorce?
  • How can a divorce be handled to minimize the harm to the children?
  • Are you prepared for the financial impact from your divorce?
  • Are you prepared to handle the details in your life that your spouse handled before?
  • What kind of a breakup/divorce do you want?

How Can Counseling Help During a Breakup or Divorce?

Individual counseling is a very effective tool to help you fully recover from your breakup or divorce. Using my unique and proven three-phase method (Healing, Understanding and Transformation), we will address the challenges you are experiencing and expedite your recovery in significant ways.

My style is both enlightening and educational. You will learn abundant facts about the psychological and logistical aspects of your breakup. Psychological issues can include a better understanding of your feelings, family of origin, how family patterns may have influenced and impacted your relationship, and a clearer narrative about the details of your relationship and breakup.

Factual and concrete topics will also be discussed such as:

  • Managing your emotions and expediting self-care
  • How to deal with your ex
  • Career decisions
  • How and when to relocate (if necessary)
  • Financial matters
  • If you are going through a divorce, discussion may include knowledge of how to pick an attorney / mediator and parenting / custody issues.
  • When is the right time to date again?
  • How to have a new and healthier relationship in the future

Schedule an initial session:

Many fresh ideas will flow from our therapy sessions. You can feel free to call or email me to discuss your current situation and ask me questions about the process, which may include questions regarding scheduling, what to expect in the first appointment and fees.

The Breakup Bible The Smart Women’s Guide to Healing from a Breakup or Divorce:

Please check out my new book ‘The Breakup Bible‘, which takes you through my three-phase method for full recovery (Healing, Understanding and Transformation), offers practical and useful exercises and tools, plus stories from women that have gone from a devastating breakup and are fully recovered.

Signs You Need Breakup/Divorce Support:

The end of a relationship can be difficult to navigate and may bring up a range of emotions and challenges. You may benefit from breakup or divorce counseling if you notice:

  • Persistent feelings of sadness, anger, or fear about the relationship ending
  • Difficulty in making decisions about the future of the relationship
  • Struggling to communicate effectively with your partner about the breakup or divorce
  • Concerns about the impact on children and how to minimize their distress
  • Anxiety about financial implications and managing life independently
  • Feeling overwhelmed by the logistical and emotional aspects of the separation
  • Uncertainty about when and how to start dating again


Rachel’s support during my breakup was a lifesaver. She provided a safe space to process my feelings and helped me understand the dynamics of my past relationship. Her three-phase method was instrumental in my healing journey, and I now feel ready to embrace new beginnings.

– Jason (39)

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