
What is anxiety?

Anxiety is something we all experience at times and it is considered a normal reaction to a stressor. However, some individuals experience anxiety that is persistent, seemingly uncontrollable, and overwhelming.

When anxiety interferes with daily activities, you may have an anxiety disorder and could benefit from anxiety treatment.

Anxiety Counseling

Different types of anxiety include:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Worries are thoughts that produce distress and anxiety. Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is characterized by excessive worry about everyday things such as family and work or school. Individuals often find that the anxiety experienced is difficult to control and that it has related physical symptoms which include fatigue, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension and sleep disturbance.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is characterized by persistent thoughts, impulses, ideas or images (obsessions) that intrude into a person’s thinking which cause excessive worry and anxiety and actions or thoughts (compulsions) performed in response to obsessions in order to relieve or prevent anxiety.

Common Obsessions include:

  • Worries that one’s thoughts will cause harm to self or loved one
  • Fear that something bad will happen if something is not done correctly
  • Constant worries about contamination
  • Ruminations about injuring self or another person
  • Fear of throwing away something important

Common Compulsions include:

  • Checking and re-checking items such as the door to make sure it is locked
  • Washing or cleaning repeatedly
  • Ordering items in a certain way
  • Repeating phrases, thoughts or images
  • Hoarding useless items such as old newspapers

Panic Disorder
Panic attacks are periods in which there is an onset of intense terror associated with feelings of impending doom. These attacks often seem to come on with no apparent reason. Symptoms during these attacks include shortness of breath, heart palpitations, chest pain, nausea, choking sensations, chills, depersonalization and a fear of dying or going crazy. There is also an intense fear of the panic attack occurring again.

Some individuals who experience Panic Disorder avoid places or situations where they have experienced a panic attack before, in anticipation of it happening again. They often avoid public places where escape may be difficult in times of extreme anxiety.

Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
Social Anxiety Disorder is characterized by persistent fear in social or performance situations. The individual has an excessive fear of being scrutinized and evaluated negatively by others in the social environment. As a consequence, they may avoid situations in which their behaviors may be examined. Such situations include: making phone calls, speaking in public and eating in public. Physical symptoms that may accompany the anxiety include: sweating, blushing, heart palpitations and nausea.

Illness or Health Anxiety
Illness Anxiety, what was formerly referred to as Hypochondriasis or Health Anxiety is characterized by having an irrational fear of getting or having a serious medical condition. Usually no symptoms are present, or if there are symptoms present it is often a normal physiological sensation (like dizziness) or a bodily discomfort (like burping or a headache). The person believes there is something wrong, even if they have received medical reassurance.

Take the first step towards a calmer mind.

Let’s navigate your anxiety together.
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Will I benefit from anxiety treatment?

Anxiety disorders can affect a person’s ability to enjoy most aspects of life including work, relationships and socializing. There are numerous scientific studies indicating that anxiety treatment could help you with your worries, fears, and stress management.

Treatments for anxiety:

Some ways to manage anxiety disorders include learning about anxiety, mindfulness, relaxation techniques, correct breathing techniques, dietary adjustments, exercise, building self-esteem, cognitive therapy, exposure therapy, structured problem solving, medication and support groups.

Treatment for anxiety generally includes cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Both of these treatments target unhelpful thought patterns and provide clients with new skills for managing their worry and anxious thought patterns. Behaviorally, these treatments also work on helping individuals manage physical anxiety symptoms. Treatment includes the following:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is an empirically supported treatment that focuses on patterns of thinking that are maladaptive and the beliefs that underlie such thinking. Studies of CBT have demonstrated this type of therapy as an effective treatment for anxiety and mood disorders. CBT is structured, goal-oriented, and focused on the present as opposed to the past. CBT utilizes between session assignments to help the client apply the new skills and techniques into daily life as well as to help augment the treatment.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Acceptance and commitment therapy, or ACT (pronounced like the word “act”), is a mindful approach to accepting the hardships in life to improve one’s overall quality of living. It’s a form of psychotherapy kindred to cognitive-behavioral therapy that helps people focus on the present and move forward from overwhelming, difficult emotions. While treatment time may vary from person to person, it can help diffuse the impact of negative emotions and reshape your thinking to treat depression, anxiety, and other similar mental disorders.

How much does anxiety therapy cost?

Please contact me directly for my fee. Although I don’t accept insurance, some insurance plans reimburse for a portion of therapy. I am well aware that therapy can be a financial challenge and thus my goal is to help you as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Schedule an initial session

You can feel free to call or email me to discuss your current situation and ask me questions about the process, which may include questions regarding scheduling, what to expect in the first appointment and fees.

Together, we will build a personalized treatment plan designed specifically for your needs, which will allow you to progress at your own pace. My approach is focused and structured to help you learn techniques which will allow you to better adapt to life’s challenging situations more effectively.

Get relief from anxiety today!

Signs of Anxiety:

Anxiety can creep into your life subtly, affecting your well-being and daily activities. You may be experiencing anxiety if you notice:

  • Persistent worry or fear that is difficult to control
  • Restlessness or feeling on edge frequently
  • Physical symptoms like a racing heart, sweating, or shaking
  • Avoiding situations that trigger anxiety
  • Difficulty concentrating or having your mind go blank
  • Trouble sleeping or experiencing nightmares
  • Feeling of impending doom or danger without a clear cause


I struggled with anxiety for years, and it was affecting my work and personal life. Rachel helped me identify the root causes and provided practical strategies to manage my anxiety. Now, I feel more in control and less overwhelmed by my worries.

– Michael (34)

Rachel in the media